Employee Central Time Tracking

Nowadays, a modern and simple solution for time recording is essential for today’s global, often decentralized workforce and is even expected by many employees. Factors such as: Accuracy, simplicity, and flexibility in time tracking have a major impact on the motivation and productivity of your employees.

With the local and internationally usable SuccessFactors Time Tracking solution, you receive exactly this: A simple yet comprehensive time management system that meets the expectations of the modern workforce. The system allows your employees to enter, check, and update their working hours from anywhere and on any device. Your employees simply enter the working hours into the system, which already knows which working time regulation is valid for the employee. With predefined approval workflows for any time compensation, employees can be confident that they will be paid on time and correctly, and can focus on their work. Furthermore, your managers receive an accurate overview of the working hours of their teams.

Advantages of SuccessFactors Time Tracking at a glance:

  • Access at any time, from anywhere, and on any device
  • Simplified and intuitive role-specific time entry for employees
  • Digital time stamp clock for entering comings and goings, with optional GPS location and multi-lingual support
  • Connection to physical terminals for entering time stamps
  • Modern, in-time calculation of working hours
  • Billing according to legal requirements and individual company requirements
  • Transparent workflows for time recording and time compensation
  • Improved employee experience
  • Control of working hours and minimization of compliance risks
  • Flexibility for employees, managers, and administrators
  • Accurate and on-time payment with a clear overview of working hours
  • Streamlining of time management for higher overall productivity

Contact us, simply and without obligation, for more detailed information.


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