Talent Management

Talent Management includes all SuccessFactors modules that specialize in identifying, attracting, developing, and retaining the right talents.


SuccessFactors Recruiting provides your company with a tool which optimally supports all steps in the recruiting process. You can create requirement profiles for open positions, structure the application process accordingly, create actual job offers and post them directly from SuccessFactors to job platforms, get your applications from different sources (social media, staff consultants, online applications, …) and manage job interviews with your integrated Outlook calendar.

SuccessFactors Recruiting offers more than just application management, using its patented methodology to ensure that you reach the right candidate at the right time and with the right message. That way you build long-term relationships with interesting candidates and can always resort to an applicant pool to fill open positions.

Using state-of-the-art technology, the integrated marketing platform allows for employer branding to attract talented candidates to your company. That way you also capture the interest of passive candidates and attract them to your company and can plan extensive recruitment campaigns to attract new talents.

Using comprehensive assessments, you can at all times monitor which channels and strategies yield the best results and thus optimally use your recruiting budget.

If you already use SuccessFactors Recruiting, we recommend our app SIMPLERIX quick*apply. With this app you can bring top talents to your company with quick and easy applications with just one click of the mouse. Contact us, simply and without obligation, for more detailed information.


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In the modern working world, staff retention and the planning of efficient staff assignments start before the actual hiring. It is crucial to begin integrating new employees before they even start. The SAP SuccessFactors module Onboarding supports you in this process, providing you with all the tools necessary.

SuccessFactors Onboarding allows you to implement an ongoing onboarding process, including your HR department, the managers in charge and the new employee. Already before starting work, your new employee can access relevant information and establish contact with your company’s key figures. That way a major part of the formalities and the paperwork can be completed before the new employee starts work and he/she can introduce him/herself to his/her colleagues, which makes the whole process of joining a new company easier. When starting work, all necessary tools are already available for the employee having attended many onboarding workshops and his/her enrollment plan (possibly integrated with Learning) has already been determined.

This enables employees to start more quickly and identify with the company’s goals (possibly integrated with Performance & Goals). Using Onboarding, you can avoid employees suddenly changing their minds, shortly before or after they start work. In addition, rapid deployment of new staff saves you a lot of money.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.


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Learning Management Solutions


SuccessFactors Learning allows you to continue to train your employees and manage all trainings in one central location. You can create online trainings, face-to-face trainings or blended learning trainings and either offer them in the online catalogs or automatically assign them to employees.

After a training, you have the option of administering tests. If they pass, employees can directly print their certificates. Training participants get to fill out evaluations, providing you with a good overview of your trainings so that you can quickly see what needs to change or be improved.

Using curricula and programs you create more comprehensive trainings, assigning them to your employees to make them familiar with more complex topics.

Using their own interfaces trainers can keep attendance in their courses and also make comments about individual participants.

Managers can assign necessary courses to their employees and can view and also evaluate training data.

Besides your employees, you can also add external users, such as your customers or partners, to SuccessFactors Learning and have them attend special trainings (for new products, uses of marketing materials, etc.).

If you are using Performance & Goals or Career Development Planning, you can create an interface between your employees’ defined development goals and trainings in SuccessFactors Learning.

If you are also using Work Zone, you company will get a high added value as Work Zone allows us to support social learning. Course participants get invited to specific Work Zone groups, where they can talk about the course and get extra materials.

With SAP Learning Marketplace, SAP combines the features of SuccessFactors Learning and Hybris, its leading e-commerce platform, and thus allows you to offer your trainings through a web shop. That way you can make product or safety trainings available to your customers and partners and also, by selling trainings, increase company sales. Using SAP Hybris, SAP Learning Marketplace supports all standard methods of payment and also allows for the management of discounts and vouchers.

The implementation is fast and uncomplicated with our own ADVICE SF Learning Template. If you are interested, please contact us for more information.


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Litmos offers the worldwide user-friendliest LMS (Litmos Training), which is equipped with a course library (Litmos Training Content) of more than 2500 specialized courses for various stakeholders.

The system allows you to design and export interactive training in the form of SCORM courses in Litmos. The content can be created interactively to keep the interest and concentration of the employees while reading or watching. Various question and answer options are available for the tests. In addition to the standard options, the uploading of documents and videos by employees is also included. Employees can also create and upload their own content, but this needs to be approved by the admins before it is published to all other employees.

Litmos is the right choice for your company if you do not want to invest in the complete SAP SuccessFactors suite. For companies that already have the SuccessFactors suite, Litmos is also suitable thanks to its partial integration. Litmos differs from SuccessFactors Learning due to its faster implementation, which can take just one month, compared to several months.
When Litmos was first introduced to the market, the developers‘ vision was to create an LMS that was “quick to configure, easy in administration and entertaining“. Litmos satisfies all these criteria.

Litmos is:

  • Quick to configure because the installation process has been optimized and the integration with other solutions is simplified by numerous connectors and API options. This enables the average implementation time of just one month
  • Easy in administration thanks to the automatic onboarding function: Litmos provides online training courses that can be assigned to new employees to support their independent onboarding. Adaptations to the system are also quick to make thanks to user questionnaires. 70% of the product functions originate from queries from the community
  • Entertaining because there are leader boards, achievements and badges, which promote the employees‘ self-motivation. The contents can be designed to be interactive and entertaining

Litmos is also available as a mobile app, which enables your employees to take training courses on different devices (including offline). Contact us, easily and without obligation, for more information.


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Work Zone

With SAP Work Zone you can increase the productivity throughout your company with centralized access to all important business tools, apps, and data. For your employees this means: it will become easier to work independently.

More efficient workflows are possible thanks to the option of configuring personal work areas and work areas for teams and projects. Step-by-step instructions for the fast identification of the right experts in the company, or quickly finding information, make it possible to complete complex tasks without having to call on external support. Employees can use the chat and share functions to communicate on their own terms and share important information and experiences.

As a communication platform, Work Zone supports you in comprehensive processes such as in recruiting and onboarding. Processes are simplified and new employees are integrated into the company more quickly through joint exchange and transfer of experience. In the context of training courses, the cooperation of the participants is strengthened and the definition of tasks by teachers simplified.

Contact us, without obligation, to receive more detailed information.


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Performance & Goals

SuccessFactors Performance & Goals helps you make your company a success by increasing your employees’ commitment, productivity and efficiency.

SuccessFactors allows you to align your employees’ goals with those of your company and to create a culture that encourages ongoing and objective evaluations.

SuccessFactors Goal Management supports you in defining company goals and cascading them to individual employees. In this way employees get a better understanding of how their work affects the company as a whole. As a result, they identify with the company more strongly, which directly affects their motivation.

For defining their goals, managers can make use of a comprehensive goal library created according to SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). Managers can create their own goals as well, supported by the SMART wizard to make sure they fulfil all SMART criteria.

Monitoring your goals via dashboards and evaluations allows you to take timely measures if goal achievement is jeopardised.

You can create interfaces between defined goals and trainings in SuccessFactors Learning to support your employees in achieving their goals.

SuccessFactors Performance Management provides you with modern tools for ongoing evaluation. Ongoing feedback lets your employees know where they stand and how they can improve.


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Meetings with employees are supported by workflows with the people involved submitting evaluations. Scheduling and having personal meetings is also supported by Performance & Goals. This happens via prepared text modules, an immediate scan checking the suitability of your own texts and an easy user interface allowing you to make entries directly into the system while the meeting is still in progress.

To avoid inconsistencies when it comes to different superiors’ evaluations, Performance & Goals provides an effective calibration tool allowing you to compare different evaluations and make them more objective. You can use various matrices to view the classification of your employees as low and high performers and potentials. Furthermore, you can determine the probability of your employees leaving the company, and the effects this would have.

Performance Management also offers an evaluation of employees‘ competencies for performance reviews. You define the competencies yourself, which means SAP SuccessFactors an option for evaluating role-specific or company-wide competencies. Performance Management thereby enables an evaluation of the employee beyond the boundaries of goal achievement, and illustrates how employees have integrated themselves into both their current position and the company overall.

If you also use Compensation Management and Variable Pay, you can make premium payments conditional upon goal achievement, promoting a success-oriented corporate culture.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

360-Degree Feedback

360-degree-feedback is a valuable complement to traditional feedback processes via personal meetings. While traditional feedback processes often only reflect the views of the employee’s direct manager, 360-degree-feedback involves everyone who is in contact with the employee being evaluated. This includes superiors and colleagues but also suppliers, partners and customers. The opportunity to give anonymous feedback also promotes openness between the people carrying out the evaluation.

These different perspectives can give you and your employees a better, more comprehensive view, which can then be used for defining goals and creating trainings.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.


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Compensation Management and Variable Pay

In nearly all companies, employee salaries are major cost items. In addition, the compensation process is often challenging for human resource development or HR controlling.

Using SuccessFactors Compensation Management and Variable Pay you ensure that these expenses optimally affect your company.

Via an intuitive user interface, you control your employees‘ base salary and all variable salary components in Compensation Management and, with Variable Pay, you can implement various compensation packages such as bonus payments or share packages. You can automatically calculate base salary increases depending on various factors such as performance evaluation, awards, rank or pay grade, and release these on a workflow-related basis. Even global compensation programs can be simply implemented with Compensation Management and Variable Pay.

Pay your employees according to their performance, thus motivating everyone to perform at their highest level. SuccessFactors Compensation Management and Variable Pay offers the fully automatic integration of the achievement of targets in Performance & Goals and, with the help of various evaluations, visual presentations and comparisons, you can make decisions on variable salary components objectively and based on facts.

Ongoing bonus models can be adapted to company success facilitating accessible bonus reports for your managers and employees. That way calculations get easier for everyone involved.

Gain transparency and control over costs and ensure that the compensation budget is met, thanks to integrated checks.

Via standardized interfaces this data can be automatically integrated into your payroll accounting system (SAP HCM Payroll, SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll) or the accounting systems of other providers.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.


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Career Development Planning

Your company’s greatest talents will always strive to advance their careers. Via SuccessFactors Career Development Planning you can encourage your employees to realize their full potential, displaying career paths they could take.

Based on their competencies employees can determine suitable positions and figure out which competencies they still need to develop for the next step in their career.

You create development goals for your employees integrating company needs and employee preferences to ensure optimal further development. Apart from the goals they co-defined with their manager, employees can also set their own goals, supposed to facilitate employees’ reaching their overall career goals. The defined goals can be linked to courses in SuccessFactors Learning so that your employees can take concrete steps towards reaching their goals.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

Succession Planning

Due to demographic changes, it is becoming increasingly difficult to have employees with the right qualifications available at the right moment. SuccessFactors Succession Planning supports you in promoting and developing employee potential in a targeted way so as to prevent shortages in qualified employees.

Via Succession Planning you determine the qualifications necessary for key positions in your company, search for suitable internal successors and promote suitable candidates to prepare them for the new tasks. You add suitable employees to talent pools and then promote them with special offers to optimally develop your future executives.

The career paths and positions requirements defined in Career Development Planning allow you to optimize your succession management. With your employees you figure out a plan paving their way to the position they desire.

Via a special successions organization chart you can view all developments along the organizational structure at all times.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.


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