SAP Concur®

SAP Concur, as part of SAP Intelligent Spend Management, can make your business smarter! It offers integrated solutions for your expense management and typically pays for itself within a short period of time by increasing efficiency, reducing costs and enhancing profitability. With the cloud-based, modern mobile modules, such as: Request, Travel, Expense, Analytics as well as the mobile app, SAP Concur supports your employees in every step of their business travel – from planning, travel requests, bookings and supporting employees during the trip, to travel expense reports, as well as the reporting and analytics. SAP Concur also helps you manage any other expenses of your employees.

The simple and straightforward interface makes the system particularly user-friendly, allowing your employees to work more quickly and efficiently so they can concentrate on their core tasks. Travel expense reports can be easily processed without errors, receipts are automatically captured when a booking is made, and additional receipts can be added and saved directly to the system by simply taking a photograph with a mobile phone. The invoice process is streamlined, so data analysis and reports can be easily and intuitively generated.

SAP Concur is a modular solution, meaning you can choose to implement individual elements of the complete solution and combine them flexibly, depending on your organization’s priorities and needs.

Other benefits of SAP Concur solutions include:

  • An overview of all business travel expenses
  • Massive time savings
  • Cost reduction

The following image gives you an overview of the most important modules and products:

You are interested in digital and intelligent expense and travel management in only 6 weeks? We have prepared an attractive introductory package for your SME.

To download our product brochure, please click here:

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SAP Concur® Request

Concur Request is a must for any organization that wants to take control over its business travel spending and eliminate unnecessary expense – before it’s incurred!

This module is essentially your travel agency and online booking tool. It automates the entire request and approval process and helps you get an overview of travel costs, cash advances and expenses before the trip is booked. As the approver, you can compare the costs with the available budget and make strategic decisions or approve the trip.

Concur Request can be customized according to your internal approval processes and can help ensure compliance with your company’s policies. This solution significantly speeds up approval processes by replacing all manual or email requests with a single system. With Concur Request, managers can also review and approve travel requests on the go via their mobile devices.

The travel planning process is directly linked to business travel agencies’ software through the integration of Concur Request. This allows employees to plan complex trips in advance and the travel agency to optimize them. The employee can select the best option from several travel proposals from the business travel agency. The booked itinerary is then always available on the employee’s mobile device.

All planned and actual expenses can be easily monitored when combined with Concur® Expense. Discrepancies are quickly identified by comparing travel data with invoices and credit card changes.

If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

SAP Concur® Travel

Concur Travel makes booking and travel planning easy.

The online booking tool allows you to quickly and easily book business travel through a simple, easy-to-use interface. With this solution, you and your employees can avoid the long and arduous process of finding the right flight, hotel or rental car and simply book your travel through a convenient portal which ensures compliance with company’s travel policies. The platform enables you to directly compare offers, e.g. flight and train, so that you can quickly find the perfect offer. This saves time and allows you to transparently monitor your travel expenses.

Concur Travel means flexibility. With the mobile app, you can access the platform at any time and easily make bookings using your smartphone or tablet. Concur Travel gives you live status updates on any services booked (flights, gate changes, etc.) and because all the information is stored in one central location, you have complete visibility into your travel and expense reports.

Contact us if you are interested and learn more about the system in the following video:


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SAP Concur® Expense

Expense reporting made easy with Concur Expense!

This module automates the time-consuming expense claims procedure, significantly speeding up the processing of claims and eliminating costly errors. Consolidate all your business and other expenses into one single, cloud-based system – accessible whenever and wherever you are online. With Concur Expense you get full transparency and detailed insight into every transaction made during the entire business trip. Concur Expense also helps you to better plan your budget and ensure compliance with corporate regulations.

Concur Expense is simple and intuitive to use, reducing manual data entry to an absolute minimum. With the mobile app, expenses can be tracked while traveling. Receipts can be simply photographed and assigned to the respective trip – anytime, conveniently, and easily. The HR department as well as managers can quickly access, review and approve employees’ requests on their mobile phones while on the go.

Travel expense reporting has never been easier – from approval, to reimbursement, to reporting. The system can also be seamlessly integrated with other ERP, HR and accounting systems.

Contact us if you are interested and learn more about the system in the following video:


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