Apps to Simplify Your Human Experience Management

Simpler, faster, more efficient: SIMPLERIX by ADVICE was developed to better optimize your human experience management. As a perfect enhancement for SAP SuccessFactors, our SIMPLERIX apps simplify your employees’ work.

Are you interested in our SIMPLERIX products? Contact us, without obligation, for more information. We are continuously extending our range of SIMPLERIX apps.

SIMPLERIX org*management

Simply Manage Your Organization in SuccessFactors

Do you already use Position Management in SuccessFactors Employee Central or are you about to launch it? If so, SIMPLERIX org*management is the perfect app for you!

With SIMPLERIX org*management the time required for master data handling is significantly reduced thanks to the efficient management of departments and positions.

In addition to a clear and intuitive interface, the app offers systematic inheritance logic which simplifies the maintenance of your organization sustainably. The advantages of modern cloud technology are thereby enhanced with the core competencies of classic SAP HCM – for simple and optimized master data handling.

SIMPLERIX org*management offers:

  • Clear visualization of departments, positions and employees
  • Time savings thanks to simple reorganization using drag and drop
  • Clarity and structure via inheritance of cost centers to departments,
    positions and subsequently employees (SAP HCM inheritance logic)
  • Flexibility through the use of further attributes for inheritance,
    e.g., divisions and business units
  • Data security since your data remain exclusively in your SAP
    SuccessFactors instance, thus avoiding separate data storage
  • Simple access by calling up the app directly from SAP SuccessFactors
    as well as checking SuccessFactors permission roles
  • Seamless and simple operation based on a user-friendly web
    interface in the familiar SuccessFactors environment (SAPUI5)

SIMPLERIX org*management guarantees:

Simplification of ongoing structure maintenance

Significant time savings

Avoidance of errors

Functionality that saves costs and makes work easier

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Your contact person:

Dipl.-Ing. Rejo Alappat
T: +43 1 236 4312

SIMPLERIX quick*apply

Simply Apply Without Registration in SAP SuccessFactors

You already use Recruiting in SAP SuccessFactors or are just about to implement it? Then SIMPLERIX quick*apply is the right solution for you!

With SIMPLERIX quick*apply you can bring top talents to your company with quick and easy applications without the tedious creation of an account and without password entry.

In addition to an increase in suitable candidates, the great advantage for you lies in the flexible display options in SIMPLERIX quick*apply. You can integrate SIMPLERIX quick*apply into your SuccessFactors career page however you see fit – either on the application page or directly below the job posting. If you run a standalone career page independently of SAP SuccessFactors, SIMPLERIX quick*apply allows you to upload applications directly into your SAP SuccessFactors system.

SIMPLERIX quick*apply offers you:

  • Simple application with just one click of the mouse
  • Seamless integration into your career page or SAP SuccessFactors career page
  • User-friendly interface in your Corporate Design
  • Mobile applications via smartphone
  • Flexibility in the design of the application form
  • Automatic filtering of applications with the help of SAP SuccessFactors pre-screening question

With SIMPLERIX quick*apply you will gain:

No tedious password entry

Fewer canceled applications

Numerous options for placing

Advancement of corporate image

Attractive and user-friendly interface

Ready for more innovation?

Enhance your recruitment process with video applications using our SIMPLERIX video*apply app. For more information contact us without obligation.

To download our product flyer please click here:


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Your contact person:

Dipl.-Ing. Rejo Alappat
T: +43 1 236 4312

SIMPLERIX video*apply

Simply Apply with a Video in SAP SuccessFactors

You already use Recruiting in SAP SuccessFactors or are just about to implement it? Then SIMPLERIX video*apply is the right solution for you!

With SIMPLERIX video*apply, you can elevate your recruiting process to the next level by using innovative video applications to quickly find suitable candidates for your company.

The application allows you to get an authentic first impression of your applicants’ personality and motivation before the initial interview, without the tedious creation of an account or password entry. SIMPLERIX video*apply is seamlessly embedded in your application form, so that candidates can record and upload an application video, directly from their device. You can access the video via the usual interface in your SAP SuccessFactors system.

SIMPLERIX video*apply offers you:

  • Informative applications, even with brief CVs
  • Cost reductions through faster assessment of candidates before personal interviews
  • Simple application – mobile and flexible
  • Seamless integration in your own career page or SAP SuccessFactors career page

With SIMPLERIX video*apply you gain:

Quicker identification of suitable candidates

No tedious password entry

First class applicant experience

Strenghtening of corporate image

Numerous options for placing

Ready for even more efficiency?
Enhance your application process with additional features with our SIMPLERIX quick*apply app. For more information contact us without obligation.

To download our product flyer please click here:


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Your contact person:

Dipl.-Ing. Rejo Alappat
T: +43 1 236 4312